Create your own personalized study plan
So you decided that you love Kenhub and our content. Great! But your next exam is coming up and you start feeling flustered. Where do you begin?! We have you covered. We will provide you with the steps to create an effective study plan as well as a sample study schedule that you can adapt to fit your needs.
Before you start
There are a few details you need to iron out before you start planning. Answer the following questions. How much time will you dedicate? Can you study all day every day? Or maybe you’re dividing your time between different subjects and only have a couple of hours every week? The amount of time you have will determine how much you can achieve.
Be realistic about what you can do. For example you can’t learn all of human anatomy in a week. But you can do quizzes on your weak points when you have a free minute. On the other hand, with 3 months to only study the upper limb, you can study every intricate detail there is!
Next step is to collect your topics. You can make your own list, or if you have a syllabus or a curriculum even better! It will save you a bit of time. Finally, have a think about which topics you have previous knowledge in. If a topic is already familiar to you, learning it won’t take nearly as long! You can factor that in when you're making your study plan.
Our study plan
To help you out and give you a starting point, we’ve put a sample study plan for you. First, just copy the plan into a new doc and take out the sections you don’t need to study. If there are any topics missing from the plan, add them! You can always supplement our materials with your own resources like textbooks or vice versa.
By the way, did you know we have reviewed quite a few commonly used anatomy textbooks such as Gray’s Anatomy?
The last step is to divide up the time you have decided to dedicate to your studies and fill in the dates you plan to study each topic. At Kenhub, the content is organized by region, but we have also collated information on the main body systems, to make things easier for you! The sample study plan covers the whole of human anatomy, so you should be all set!
Before taking a closer look at the specific anatomical structures of the human body it's important to become familiar with some core anatomical terms, such as the directional terms and body planes. The regions of the body are also important to study, as well as the different types of joints. You can find our matching learning materials in our basics section.
This section also contains an overview study unit of each of the body systems. If you only require some basic knowledge or simply don’t have time to study in detail, the introduction to the musculoskeletal system and introduction to the other systems chapters are definitely worth taking a look at!
Musculoskeletal system of the upper limb
Onto the upper limb! In this study part it's all about the bones, muscles, vessels, and nerves of the upper limb. When you start with the bony framework it will be a lot easier to study the muscles and their attachments afterwards. In the upper limb section we have dedicated study units covering all the bones of the upper limb, no matter how big or small!
Once you have mastered the bones, move on to the musculature and finally tackle the neurovasculature. If you are new to the topic, take a look at the overview chapter first. If you're feeling confident, feel free to jump straight into the nitty gritty!
Study tips:
- To find exactly the learning materials you need for the specific topics you can use our search function. We have dedicated learning materials to the bones, muscles, their origin, insertion, innervation, and function, to the arteries, veins, and nerves, ligaments, and organs which are marked with different tags. To find them I recommend that you use our filter-function. Choose the body part you want to study first. Then click on filter on the top of the page. You can then choose between different tags. When you choose bones, for example, you will find all materials that help you learn the different bones and joints of the chosen body part and to identify them. For studying the muscles you can filter for muscles and so on...
- For all topics mentioned in this study plan you can also find matching learning materials in our radiological anatomy section. Make sure to check the matching radiology materials from time to time when focusing on the different anatomy topics.
- Do you also need to study histology? You can find lots of learning materials about it in our histology section. We offer content about general histology and also about the specific body systems. It’s a good idea to combine histology with gross anatomy for each individual topic.
To quickly familiarize yourself with the structures associated with a topic, scroll right down to the browse atlas section! For more in-depth information or if you’re totally new to the topic, watch the video tutorials. After that, you can test yourself in an easy and fun way with our intuitive quizzes. These adapt to your own desired speed and level of learning. At the end of each study unit, you will find some articles and study units to further your learning!
Musculoskeletal system of the lower limb
We now leave the upper limb behind and focus on a new body part. It's time for the lower limb! Again you can find the matching learning materials by using the filter function.
You can work through the topics one after the other again: first it's all about the bones and joints, then we focus on the muscles, and afterwards we study the neurovasculature. If you find these topics overwhelming or tricky, why not try our study units on the main bones, muscles and neurovascular structures of the region? They are there to provide you with an introduction and highlight only the most important structures!
Use the learning materials in each study unit to help you, then test and consolidate your knowledge with our quizzes in the end. Our quizzes offer several options that you should try out:
- Basic and Advanced Identification - All our quizzes allow you to learn how to identify structures, and test yourself - this is, therefore, perfect for studying the bones, neurovasculature, and also the identification of the muscles
- Muscle Facts - When the structures have muscle origins, insertions, innervations or functions, there's an option to quiz about those. This is, therefore, also very relevant if you need to study attachment points, innervation, and functions.
- Question Bank - Go even deeper. They offer a more exam-like format and these are available for many of our quizzes. If this question type is interesting for you as well, you can also test your knowledge with this. If not you can just leave them out.
- Intelligent Mix - Lets you combine those four options, and uses your learning history to create the perfect mix, just for you.
Musculoskeletal system of the trunk wall
We move on to the next body part: the trunk wall. The trunk comprises the chest, the back and the abdomen. Since our content is arranged by region, the posterior trunk can be found under spine and back, the anterior trunk is covered in the thorax section. The abdominal wall is, of course, covered in the abdomen section!
Again, start with the bones and joints, continue with the muscles and vessels and nerves. This topic seems deceivingly simple, but actually there is a lot too it. Make sure to allocate enough time for it!
Tip: Another quiz you shouldn't miss is our Custom quiz. It lets you mix and match different areas of the body, as well as structure types, and subtopics, down to a single term, to create a quiz that perfectly fits your needs. You can even save your Custom quiz and revisit it later. Learn how to use it and get started in no time!
Head and neck
We now focus on a new body part: the head and neck region. During the first half of this section you should focus on the musculoskeletal system again. Especially the bones of the head can be pretty tricky so make sure to plan enough time here. During the second half of the section it's time to focus on the special structures of the head and neck region, such as the eye, ear, oral cavity, larynx and pharynx. You can find matching study sections for all relevant topics in our head and neck section.
Here's a couple of study units to get you started:
Cardiovascular system
The time has come to finally move on to visceral anatomy. The content at Kenhub is organized by different body parts, not body systems. However we have a lot of information available about the different body systems and the visceral anatomy! The cardiovascular system can be found under thorax. Simply scroll down to the heart chapter and you’re sorted! As the first step into the cardiovascular system, we offer a great article about the circulatory (cardiovascular) system or you can simply browse any of the topics below:
Respiratory system
It is time to take a look at the respiratory system! First start with the head and neck section. Here you will find a section on the nasal cavity and also a study unit on the larynx - basically the elements of the upper respiratory tract. Then move to the thorax, where you will find a whole chapter on the lungs and the rest of the lower respiratory tract! Here are a few links about the respiratory system to get you started:
Gastrointestinal system
We now focus on the organs of the gastrointestinal system. Similarly to the respiratory system, start in the head and neck lecture. Scroll down to the oral cavity and the pharynx chapters here to learn about the first elements of the gastrointestinal tract. Then head to the abdomen section, where the rest of the gastrointestinal tract and accessory digestive organs are covered.
The custom quiz can be a great help here again. We have already created one for you, but remember, you can change it any way your like!
Urinary and reproductive systems
We focus on the visceral anatomy once more. First, let’s dive into the urinary system. You can find our learning materials about this system in the pelvis section when you scroll down a little to the urinary bladder and urethra chapter. The kidneys and ureters are covered in their respective chapter in the abdomen lecture.
Check out our article about the urinary system to kick start your learning. The following resources should help you along while studying the urinary system:
After the urinary system, let’s move on to the last body system here: the reproductive system! This system is contained entirely in the pelvis and perineum lecture. The topics are separated into the female pelvis and reproductive organs and male pelvis and reproductive organs. And don’t forget the perineum, while you’re at it! It’s also a good idea to cover the pelvic girdle and floor, if you haven’t done so already while studying the skeletal framework of the human body.
Try these resources to get you started with the reproductive system:
Studying neuroanatomy usually starts with the gross anatomy of the cerebrum - we will follow this structure as well. You can find the matching learning materials in our neuroanatomy section, the first subsection is cerebrum. Take a look at the matching atlas pages, read the articles, watch the videos and take the quizzes afterwards to test and consolidate your knowledge. In the cerebrum section, you will be able to learn all structures from different perspectives. Afterwards you can move on with the next topics. They are pretty big topics so make sure that you plan enough time for them!
Decide for yourself which of these details are relevant for your studies and which ones you can leave out. If you would like to also learn about the fine details and organisation of tissues, you could also take a look at the nervous tissue chapter in our general histology lecture!
The quiz that will be perfect for the end of this study block is our custom quiz. We have put one together for you, but feel free to customise it and only study the structures that are most important to you.
Phew, that was a lot of information, but you made it! Take the last days before your exam to revise all topics again and especially look up the things again you are not sure about. Use our quizzes to check your weak points! And don't forget to create individual quizzes for the final touch.
We also have a few articles on Kenhub with studying tips that you might find useful. Our ultimate guide will be a great starting point, if you feel stuck, or you could try out these 4 easy steps to memorize anatomical terms? We have lots more articles with learning strategies and tips, as well as a video help section with some learning strategies on the study guides help section.
Putting together a study plan is time well spent. It will help you contain that pre-exam panic and prepare in an organised and structured way, rather than frantically flipping through your notes. Well done for putting in the effort and have fun learning!
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