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This study unit will help you to:

  1. Identify the main features related to the surface anatomy of the kidney.
  2. Master the gross internal anatomical structure of the kidney.
  3. Learn about the functions of the kidney.

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The kidneys are a pair of bilateral, retroperitoneal abdominal organs of the urinary system which are located on either side of the vertebral column. Externally, they are surrounded by a fibrous capsule and adipose tissue that protect them from injury, while functionally the main parts of the kidney are the cortex, medulla and hilum. Their main function is to regulate the amount of fluid and electrolytes in the body. They also excrete metabolic waste products and produce hormones that facilitate several metabolic processes.

This video tutorial will provide you with an overview of the kidneys, their main anatomical features, functions, and associated structures.

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Key points about the kidneys
Definition Paired retroperitoneal organs of the urinary system.
Main external features 2 poles (superior and inferior)
2 borders (lateral and medial)
Fibrous capsule, hilum
Main internal features Renal cortex, renal medulla, renal pelvis
Neurovascular structures Renal artery (branch of the abdominal aorta)
Renal vein (drains to the inferior vena cava)
Renal plexus (derived from celiac plexus, intermesenteric plexus, and lumbar splanchnic nerves)
Functions Elimination of toxic metabolites through urine, regulation of blood homeostasis and blood pressure, production of some hormones

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