Video: Pronator teres muscle
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Time to move those arms! Pop your arm into its anatomical position, with the palm of your hand facing forward. Now rotate, so that the palm of your hand faces posteriorly, you just pronated your ...
Read moreTime to move those arms! Pop your arm into its anatomical position, with the palm of your hand facing forward. Now rotate, so that the palm of your hand faces posteriorly, you just pronated your forearm! The pronator teres muscle is one of the muscles responsible for this movement.
This is the pronator teres muscle, it is one of the superficial muscles of the anterior forearm. It has two heads: which arise from the medial supracondylar ridge of the humerus and from the coronoid process of the ulna. These two muscle heads fuse and extend distally to insert onto the lateral surface of the radius.
As we already know this muscle pronates the forearm. Facilitating this movement and supplying its motor innervation is the median nerve!