The sense of smell, known as olfaction, is a specialized sensory function allowing for the detection and interpretation of odors. These odors, coming from various nearby or distant sources, provide mammals with essential information about the environment, enabling them to detect predators, find potential mates, recognize family members, and locate food sources. To accommodate these diverse needs, the olfactory system has evolved to detect, identify, and differentiate a wide range of volatile molecules.
Definition |
A specialized sensory function allowing us to perceive, recall, and differentiate odorants from the environment. |
Olfactory epithelium and olfactory bulbs |
Olfactory epithelium; pseudostratified columnar neuroepithelium lined with mucous. It contains: - olfactory receptor neurons/ olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs), - non-neuronal supporting cells, - basal cells. Olfactory bulbs; relay stations for signals transmitted from the OE to the primary olfactory cortex. It contains: - mitral and tufted cells, - granule and periglomerular cells. |
Odorants |
Volatile chemical molecules stimulating the sense of olfaction after binding to olfactory (or odorant) receptors (OR) |
Olfactory pathway |
Olfactory receptors: GPCRs on olfactory sensory neurons; they initiate the odorant signal transduction upon activation by odorants. Olfactory sensory neurons: their axons penetrate the cribriform plate that separates the nasal cavity from the brain. Olfactory bulbs: upon entering the brain, the axons synapse with mitral and tufted cells in the olfactory bulbs within glomeruli. Olfactory tract: bundle formed by mitral and tufted cells for transmission to higher brain structures. Olfactory striae: lateral stria (main for olfactory signal transmission) and medial stria (for autonomic olfactory responses). Olfactory cortex and other brain areas: piriform cortex (new odors detection), amygdala (affective responses to odorants and olfactory memory), primary olfactory cortex (feeding-related and odor-guided behaviors). |
- Olfactory epithelium and olfactory bulbs
- Odorants
- Olfactory pathway
- Key brain regions of the olfactory system
- Clinical notes
- Sources
Olfactory epithelium and olfactory bulbs
Olfaction starts from the nasal cavity. Odorants, volatile molecules that can stimulate the sense of smell, are initially detected by odorant receptors located in the cilia of olfactory sensory neurons within the olfactory epithelium. This specialized neuroepithelium is also found along the septum, the upper part of the superior turbinate, and the lateral surfaces of the posterosuperior parts of both nasal cavities.
The olfactory epithelium, is a type of pseudostratified columnar epithelium and consists mainly of three cell types:
- olfactory sensory neurons
- non-neuronal supporting cells
- basal cells
Olfactory sensory neurons
The neurons are involved with transmitting olfactory information centrally. They are bipolar cells with an apical ciliated dendrite and an unmyelinated axon extending from the basal surface. Each dendritic knob has an average of 10 to 30 cilia extending into the mucus lining covering the olfactory epithelium. The axons of the sensory neurons, compose fiber bundles, called fila olfactoria (or olfactory nerves), traverse the lamina propria and pass through the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone to synapse in the olfactory bulb.
Supporting cells
Those are are long, columnar cells whose function is to provide metabolic and physical support and insulation to the sensory neurons, acting similarly to glial cells. They express various cytochrome P450 enzymes and other biotransformation enzymes, aiding in the metabolization of foreign substances, detoxification of compounds encountered by the OE, and phagocytosis of dead olfactory neurons and odorants.
Basal cells
Basal cells are located adjacent to the basal lamina in the olfactory epithelium basal region. They can differentiate to support lifelong renewal of the epithelium lost due to normal turnover or injury. Basal cells are divided into globose cells, serving as both reserve and active progenitors, and horizontal cells, activated in response to injury.
Olfactory bulbs
The olfactory bulbs are located in the ventral surface of the frontal lobe serving as relay stations for signals transmitted from the olfactory epithelium to the primary olfactory cortex. They contain several types of neurons including mitral cells, tufted cells, granule cells, and periglomerular cells. Axons from sensor neurons terminate in the olfactory bulb, where they converge with the dendrites of mitral and tufted cells in structures called glomeruli, forming discrete synaptic units. Periglomerular cells and granule cells are inhibitory GABAergic interneurons that refine olfactory signals, enhancing odor discrimination. Granule cells located in the deeper layers of the olfactory bulb, lack axons and communicate through dendrodendritic synapses with mitral and tufted cells. Periglomerular cells are found in the outer layer of the olfactory bulb, surrounding the glomeruli.
Odorants are volatile chemical molecules that stimulate the sense of olfaction. They can be absorbed through inhalation, ingestion, or dermal contact. When inhaled, odorants reach the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, the pharynx, the trachea, and the lungs, entering the brain, the bloodstream, and the gastrointestinal tract.
When an odorant binds to an olfactory (or odorant) receptor (OR), it triggers conformational changes that initiate a signaling cascade. This process converts the chemical information of the odorant into an electrical signal, which is then processed by the brain. A single odorant can activate multiple olfactory receptors, creating a unique combinatorial coding that higher brain regions interpret as specific scents. Experts in perfumery use descriptive terms like “green”, “woody”, or “tobacco-like” to capture these complex scents. Some odorants evoke a few notes (e.g., furan is described as smoky, cinnamon-like, and spicy), while others evoke multiple notes (e.g., coumarin is described as herbaceous, sweet, spicy, nut-like, tobacco-like, and hay-like).
Metabolic enzymes in the nasal mucus rapidly degrade odorants upon entry, thus reducing the amount of the original odorant and forming metabolites even before binding to receptors. Additionally, the olfactory mucosa contains olfactory binding proteins (OBPs) produced by supporting cells. OBPs help transport and concentrate odorants to receptors and assist in their removal, for the clearance of smell. The olfactory threshold is the lowest concentration of an odorant that can be detected. It varies widely, indicating the sensitivity of the ORs; some odorants are detectable at very low concentrations, while others require higher concentrations. It also varies among individuals; one person may detect an odorant at a specific concentration while another may not perceive it at all.
Humans can distinguish a wide range of smells but may struggle to assess their intensity. Olfactory adaptation refers to the reduced perception of an odor with continuous exposure, facilitating the detection of new or changing odors. This adaptation occurs both at the receptor level (peripheral adaptation) and within the brain (habituation). The decrease in neural response during continuous stimulation is termed desensitization. Calcium ions play a key role in olfactory adaptation: stimulation of olfactory cilia increases intracellular Ca2+, which provides negative feedback by reducing adenylyl cyclase activity and decreasing the affinity of cyclic nucleotide-gated channels for cAMP.
Olfactory pathway
Olfactory receptors
Olfaction starts when odorants interact with olfactory receptors in the nasal mucosa. When odorants enter the nasal cavity, they activate receptors located in the cilia of olfactory sensory neurons, initiating odorant signal transduction. These receptors are also present in the axonal processes of olfactory sensory neurons, aiding in axonal targeting to specific glomeruli within the olfactory bulb.
Olfactory receptoes belong to the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) superfamily and exhibit high diversity in their amino acid sequences, consequently allowing them to detect a wide range of odorants. The number of receptors' genes varies among species; for example, mice possess around 1,000 OR genes, while humans have about 400.
When odorants bind to receptors, they activate the associated heterotrimeric G-protein, known as Golf. This activation triggers a chain of events; first, the Golf protein exchanges GDP for GTP, which then activates an enzyme called adenylyl cyclase III (ACIII). This leads to an increase in intracellular cAMP, acting as a signaling molecule. Elevated cAMP levels open cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channels, permitting an influx of Na+ and Ca2+ ions, which ultimately depolarizes the olfactory sensory neuron, generating an action potential.
From the olfactory nerve to the brain
The olfactory nerve (cranial nerve I) is crucial for the perception of smell. It begins in the nasal cavity and extends to the brain. Inspired air is directed toward the olfactory epithelium, where odorants activate olfactory receptors and stimulate the olfactory sensory neurons, as described above. The axons of these neurons pass through the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone to reach the olfactory bulb, crossing the subarachnoid space. There, they synapse with mitral and tufted cells in the glomeruli.
The axonal projections from mitral and tufted cells form bundles that exit the olfactory bulb, forming the olfactory tract. The olfactory tract runs posteriorly along the olfactory sulcus, ending at the olfactory trigone, a triangular area superior to the anterior clinoid process and just rostral to the anterior perforated substance. Here, the fibers diverge into two pathways:
- The lateral olfactory stria which is responsible for most olfactory signal transmission. It carries efferent projections towards the limen insula (the most anteroinferior part of the insular cortical surface), bending medially into the temporal lobe, near the uncus. From there it reaches the primary olfactory cortex, which includes areas like the piriform cortex, amygdala, parahippocampal gyrus. These regions are also responsible for memory, emotion, and conscious smell perception.
- The medial olfactory stria which responsible for autonomic responses associated with olfaction, e.g., increased salivation and gastric peristalsis triggered by smells. It projects to the ipsilateral anterior olfactory nucleus and, via the anterior commissure, to the contralateral olfactory bulb, ending in septal nuclei around the para-terminal gyrus. From here, two secondary fiber bundles emerge:
- the medullary stria pathway, which activates the superior and inferior salivatory nuclei, and
- the olfactory-hypothalamic-tegmental bundle, which interacts with the dorsal vagal nucleus to increase peristalsis and gastric secretion.
Olfactory projections are mainly unilateral, but fiber bundles from the olfactory peduncle cross through the anterior commissure to reach the opposite olfactory bulb and cortex, enabling interhemispheric olfactory information transfer. Commissural fibers from the anterior piriform cortex also facilitate this transfer. In humans, contralateral olfactory projections generally have inhibitory effects, thus regulating the sense of smell. Feedback loops from many olfactory cortical areas, including the anterior olfactory nucleus and piriform cortex, project back to the olfactory bulb.
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Key brain regions of the olfactory system
The piriform cortex, the largest olfactory cortical area in humans, is located below the lateral olfactory tract stria, near the junction of the frontal and temporal lobes. It extends onto the dorsomedial aspect of the temporal lobe and has two subdivisions:
- the anterior (frontal) piriform cortex, more involved in identifying odors, and
- the posterior (temporal) piriform cortex, processing complex odors.
The piriform cortex responds robustly to olfactory stimuli but quickly habituates to repetitive stimulation, indicating it is primed for detecting new odors.
The amygdala receives projections from the olfactory bulb in regions such as the periamygdaloid area, anterior and posterior cortical nuclei, and the nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract. It sends projections back to the olfactory bulb and provides input to areas such as the lateral, basolateral, and central amygdaloid nuclei, the basal ganglia, the thalamus, the hypothalamus, and the prefrontal cortex. Among all the senses, olfaction has the strongest link to the amygdala, highlighting its role in affective responses and olfactory memory.
The primary olfactory cortex projects to the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), serving as the secondary olfactory cortex and located at the basal surface of the frontal lobes. The OFC integrates inputs from diverse sensory modalities such as visual, gustatory, and visceral signals, supporting multisensory integration and resulting in feeding-related and odor-guided behaviors. Pleasant odors activate the medial OFC, while unpleasant odors activate the lateral OFC. Unlike most sensory pathways, the olfactory system reaches the OFC without an obligatory relay through the thalamus, allowing for direct and rapid olfactory processing.
Clinical notes
Anosmia, defined as the inability to perceive smell, can be either temporary or permanent, and acquired or congenital. It differs from hyposmia, which is a decreased sensitivity to some or all smells. Congenital anosmia is caused by genetic factors or developmental abnormalities of the olfactory system. Disturbance anywhere along the olfactory neural pathway can lead to acquired anosmia. For example, blunt force trauma and repeated head injuries can shear the olfactory tract axons due to brain movement relative to the ethmoid bone, causing anosmia. Neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and Altzheimer’s disease may also cause anosmia. Certain medications such as some antibiotics can also destroy olfactory neurons leading to anosmia. Temporary anosmia may occur due to upper respiratory infection (e.g., COVID-19) or allergies, while age-related anosmia results from natural decline in the replacement of OE.
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