Aykut Üren, MD
Dr. Aykut Üren is an educator and a scientist at Georgetown University in Washington DC, in the United States.
He graduated from Hacettepe University School of Medicine in Ankara, Turkey, in 1994. He has done his postdoctoral training at the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Maryland. He joined the faculty at Georgetown University in 2002. Currently he is a tenured full-professor at Georgetown University. He has published 119 peer-reviewed papers in cancer biology that received over 6000 citations and H-index of 38. He has 14 patents, some of which were licensed to drug companies. His research program focuses on developing small molecules to target specific protein-protein interactions in
pediatric sarcomas and prostate cancer. Dr. Üren teaches tumor biology to
graduate students and gross anatomy to medical students for which he has won numerous teaching awards. He is a principal member of the Georgetown University Medical Center Teaching Academy for the Health Sciences.
Detailed information about his research program and full list of his publications can be found οn his lab webpage.
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