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Learning strategies
Interactive anatomy: What it is and how to use it
Alexandra Sieroslawska, MD
Dimitrios Mytilinaios, MD, PhD
Last reviewed: October 30, 2023
Reading time: 3 minutes
Anatomy is a diverse, complex and rather huge science in its entirety. Studying it at whatever level can be difficult, time consuming and in some cases, boring. Every student has their own techniques and methods in order to understand, memorize and apply their anatomical, histological and embryological knowledge.
If you are new to this subject, or you have been studying it for a while, but to no avail, perhaps using interactiveanatomysoftware, such as at, is the way to go!
Since the miracle of the computer was bestowed upon us and quickly following, the world wide web, a unique way of publicizing information became available that has allowed the general public to engage in what is now known as e-learning. At Kenhub, we have taken this idea and gone a step further, providing the anatomy enthusiast with visual and auricular aids that first teachandthen test the knowledge that has been gained. In a nutshell, Kenhub has it all and that’s why it makes learning anatomy easy!
The stimulation provided through watching and hearing information, rather than just reading it in a book and then checking that what has been taught was retained, gives anyone who is willing to take the time a quick and easy evaluation of:
how fast they learn
how many times it is required to go through a topic
whether they need more practice!
It is available to anyone who signs up at anytime and anywhere where the internet can be accessed.
Anyone. Anytime. Anywhere.
How do I use Kenhub's interactive anatomy trainer?
Register: You can create an account by using an email address or username and a password of your choice, or directly through your Google+, Facebook or Twitter Account.
Subscribe: Decide if you would like to stay on the free trial version or upgrade to the premium account and access everything.
Select: Choose which region of the human body you would like to learn about.
Watch: The detailed videos teach you the names of each structure you will be tested on and highlight it as the instructor is talking, for absolute clarity. The same images that are used in the video will be later observed in the quizzes.
Read: Extra theoretical Information can be obtained in our article on how to study anatomy.
Put yourself through your paces with one of the anatomy quizzes. Select the image which matches the ones shown, answer a single choice question or select the correct image in accordance with the question. This varied way of questioning makes sure the user knows their stuff!
Revise: Go through any unknown structures again at the end of the test, Kenhub will show you where you went wrong!
Email: Check your email every week to see the structures you needed to work on and be updated on your progress. Also, if you would like to be tested daily, subscribe to Kenhub's mailing list on to be send daily anatomy questions!
This way of learning will definitely benefit those who avoid large texts and enjoy hearing lectures, also those who don’t wish to carry heavy books around. Even if you prefer to study the old fashioned way, quizzing yourself before an exam could save you from failing or even raise your grade by helping you find your weak point!