Transverse colon
The transverse colon is one of the four major parts of the colon, extending from the right colic (hepatic) flexure to the left colic (splenic) flexure. It is the most mobile and longest segment of the large intestine, approximately 50cm in length. Its proximal two-thirds are part of the midgut, whilst the distal third is part of the hindgut. Much like the other major segments, the transverse colon also contains tenia coli, epiploic appendages and haustra as external features, with semilunar folds present internally.
The transverse colon is an intraperitoneal organ and has several mesenteries attaching to it. The transverse mesocolon anchors it to the posterior abdominal wall. Attaching between the greater curvature of the stomach to the anterior surface of the transverse colon is the apron-like greater omentum, specifically its gastrocolic component, often referred to as the gastrocolic ligament or gastrocolic omentum. The phrenicocolic liagament connects the left colic flexure to the diaphragm, whilst the hepatocolic ligament extends from the liver to the right colic flexure.
Terminology |
English: Transverse colon Latin: Colon transversum |
Location | Intraperitoneal; between the right and left colic flexures |
Features | Tenia coli, epiploic appendages, haustra, semilunar folds |
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