Suprahyoid muscles
The suprahyoid muscles are a group of four muscles located, as the name suggests, superior to the hyoid bone. They connect the hyoid bone to the mandible and the base of the skull and together with adjacent tissue form the floor of the oral cavity. The suprahyoid muscles include the digastric, mylohyoid, geniohyoid and stylohyoid muscles.
Generally, these muscles function to position the hyoid bone and coordinate the movements of the floor of the mouth and the hyoid bone during swallowing or vocalization.
Digastric muscle |
Origin: Anterior belly: Digastric fossa of mandible, Posterior belly: Mastoid notch of temporal bone Insertion: Intermediate digastric tendon (body of hyoid bone) Innervation: Anterior belly: Nerve to mylohyoid (of inferior alveolar nerve (CN V3)), Posterior belly: Digastric branch of facial nerve (CN VII) Function: Depresses mandible, elevates hyoid bone during swallowing and speaking |
Mylohyoid muscle |
Origin: Mylohyoid line of mandible Insertion: Mylohyoid raphe, body of hyoid bone Innervation: Nerve to mylohyoid (of inferior alveolar nerve (CN V3)) Function: Forms floor of oral cavity, elevates hyoid bone and floor of oral cavity, depresses mandible |
Geniohyoid muscle |
Origin: Inferior mental spine (inferior genial tubercle) Insertion: Body of hyoid bone Innervation: Anterior ramus of spinal nerve C1 (via hypoglossal nerve CN XII)) Function: Elevates and draws hyoid bone anteriorly |
Stylohyoid muscle |
Origin: Styloid process of temporal bone Insertion: Body of hyoid bone Innervation: Stylohyoid branch of facial nerve (CN VII) Function: Elevates and draws hyoid bone posteriorly |
Anatomy and supply
Namely, the four suprahyoid muscles are the;
- Mylohyoid muscle
- Geniohyoid muscle
- Stylohyoid muscle
- Digastric muscle
You can remember them easily with the mnemonic "My Gut Seems Damaged".
Digastric muscle
The digastric muscle consists of two parts which are separated by an intermediate tendon. The anterior belly originates from the digastric fossa of mandible, while the posterior belly originates from the mastoid notch of temporal bone. Together they insert onto the body of hyoid bone via the intermediate tendon and its fibrous sling.
One particular feature of the digastric is that both bellies have different embryological origins. The anterior belly derives from the first pharyngeal arch and is therefore innervated by the nerve to mylohyoid from the mandibular nerve (CN V3). In contrast the posterior belly arises from the 2nd pharyngeal arch, which is why its nerve supply comes from digastric branch of the facial nerve (CN VII).
The digastric has two important functions that assist with the actions of swallowing, speech and mastication. If the hyoid bone is fixed in place, it causes depression of the mandible. Conversely, if the mandible is fixed, it causes elevation of the hyoid bone.
Mylohyoid muscle
The mylohyoid muscle runs from the mylohyoid line of mandible to a median tendon, known as the mylohyoid raphe, where the medial fibers of each mylohyoid muscle unite. The mylohyoid raphe continues its course and inserts on the body of hyoid bone. The mylohyoid is supplied by the nerve to mylohyoid from the mandibular nerve (CN V3).
The mylohyoid elevates both the hyoid bone and floor of mouth when the mandibular attachment is fixed. When the hyoid attachment is fixed, it depresses the mandible.
Geniohyoid muscle
The geniohyoid muscle has its origin on the inferior mental spine, also known as the inferior genial tubercle, at the internal surface of the mandible from where its fibers radiate posteroinferiorly to the body of hyoid. It is innervated by the anterior ramus of spinal nerve C1 via the hypoglossal nerve (CN XII).
The primary function of the geniohyoid is to elevate the hyoid bone and draw it anteriorly. Additionally, if the hyoid is fixed in place, the geniohyoid assists with depressing the mandible and pulling it inwards.
Stylohyoid muscle
The stylohyoid muscle extends from the posterior surface of the styloid process of temporal bone to the body of hyoid bone. In its distal part, the muscle divides into two tendons. The stylohyoid is supplied by the stylohyoid branch of the facial nerve (CN VII).
The primary function of the stylohyoid muscle is to elevate the hyoid bone and draw it posteriorly (retract). This further results in the retraction of the retraction and lengthening the floor of the mouth. Additionally, the stylohyoid helps to keep the pharynx open during inspiration by tensing the floor of the mouth.
All suprahyoid muscles contribute to the floor of the mouth but the actual muscle plate which bridges between the two rami of mandible is formed by the mylohyoid muscles (oral diaphragm).
From above the mouth floor is reinforced by the geniohyoid muscles and from below by the anterior bellies of the digastric muscles. The oral diaphragm separates the sublingual region from the submandibular region. The only link between those two spaces is the connective tissue on the posterior part of the mylohyoid muscles.
The suprahyoid muscles do not only form the floor of the mouth but play an important role in chewing, swallowing and speech. In combination with the infrahyoid muscles, they are responsible for the positioning of the hyoid bone. Due to their contribution during mastication, the suprahyoid muscles are also referred to as accessory muscles of mastication.
Learn more about the hyoid bone and muscles of the anterior neck with the following study units:
Clinical note
Phlegmon of the floor of the mouth (Ludwig’s angina) constitutes a rare, but dangerous complication from caries, gingivitis and tonsillitis.
Hereby, bacteria spread within the connective tissue of the floor of the mouth and throat causing high fever, painful swelling and difficulties in swallowing. Through the connective tissue of the mylohyoid muscles, the pathogens can easily migrate from the sublingual region to the submandibular region. The spread through the para- and retropharyngeal spaces is particularly feared as from there bacteria can enter the skull (cranially) or the mediastinum (caudally).
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