Styloid process of ulna
The styloid process of the ulna is a conical bony projection found on the distal end of the ulna. It projects distally from the posteromedial aspect of the head of the ulna. Relative to the styloid process of the radius, the ulnar styloid process is smaller and does not project as far distally, thus more ulnar deviation of the wrist is possible. When the forearm is in the supinated position, the ulnar styloid process may be palpated just distal to the head of the ulna.
The ulnar styloid process serves as an attachment point for the ulnar collateral and radioulnar ligaments as well as the apex of the fibrocartilaginous articular disc of the radioulnar joint. A shallow groove exists between the styloid process and head of the ulna, in which the tendon of the extensor carpi ulnaris sits.
Terminology |
English: Styloid process of ulna Latin: Processus styloideus ulnae |
Definition | Bony projection from on distal end of the ulna |
Function | Attachment point for the ulnar collateral and radioulnar ligaments |
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