The precuneus is a structure of the superior parietal lobule that can be appreciated on the medial view of the brain.
It is bounded anteriorly by the paracentral lobule and the marginal ramus of the cingulate sulcus, posteriorly it is separated from the cuneus by the parietooccipital sulcus, while inferiorly it is bordered by the subparietal sulcus.
The precuneus is an association area on the posteromedial cortex bordering the somatosensory, posterior parietal, posterior cingulate and the visual cortex.
Functionally, the precuneus is involved in a wide variety of cognitive processes, including recollection and memory, reactivity to certain cues, episodic memory retrieval and pain processing.
Terminology |
English: Precuneus Latin: Precuneus Synonyms: Praecuneus |
Definition | The precuneus is a structure of the superior parietal lobule and is involved in several cognitive processes such as recollection and memory, reactivity to certain cues, episodic memory retrieval and pain processing. |
Learn more about other cortical structures seen on a medial view of the brain in the following study unit:
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