The myometrium is a thick muscular layer. It is continuous with the muscular layer of the uterus and vagina.
The myometrium is the thickest layer of the uterine wall and it is composed of three layers of smooth muscle: the inner, middle and outer layers. The inner and outer layers have smooth muscle bundles that lie longitudinally and parallel to the long axis of the uterus.The middle layer, also known as the stratum vasculare, is comprised of large blood vessels and lymphatics. The muscle fibers in this layer are arranged in a concentric or spiral pattern.
All three layers of the myometrium work together during uterine contraction to expel any contents of the uterine lumen. In the non-pregnant uterus, the smooth muscle cells measure approximately 50 micrometers in length. During pregnancy, the uterus experiences significant enlargement. This growth is mainly due to the hypertrophy of existing smooth muscle cells, which can reach lengths of over 500 micrometers!
Terminology: | English and latin: myometrium |
Location: | Thickest layer of the uterine wall |
Function: | Composed of smooth muscle, therefore works with other layers of the uterine wall for uterine contraction. |
Learn more about the uterus and the other uterine walls in this study unit:
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