Coronal plane
The coronal plane is vertically oriented and divides the body into front (i.e. anterior) and back (posterior) sections. It also separates the anterior and posterior portions.
The coronal plane comprises one of the three anatomical body planes which include the sagittal and transverse planes.
Certain medical imaging techniques such as CT scans, MRI scans, or PET scans are one of the primary applications of body planes.
A coronal slice through the approximate middle of the body would place the face, abdominal region, and the palms of the hands in front of the plane, and the back of the head, trunk, and dorsums (i.e. backs) of the hands behind the plane.
Terminology |
English: Coronal Synonym: Frontal Latin: Coronalis Synonym: Frontalis |
Definition | The coronal plane is an anatomical body plane dividing the body into front and back sections. |
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